Tag Archives: Cares

New York Cares

This is a strange place. A very strange place. A place that has inspired countless numbers. A place that has broken the wills and hearts of countless numbers. A place that has made careers, fullfilled life dreams, given meaning to and confused individuals to degrees that are beyond human comprehension.

People have found themselves here. People have lost themselves here. And as often as people question why they have this abusive relationship there is never a compelling answer. Once you have this drug coursing through your veins, once you have bitten into the core… well… it gets tougher to live without it.

I, as the rest of you, have experience this duality all too often. I have seen this world through rose colored glasses, during the light of day, and felt as though I was truly on my way. As if things couldn’t get any better. There have been times when the dissapointment has come so thick and fast that all I could do is beg for abject mercy. Even though you try to hold fast to something that makes sense, this machine keeps things moving at it’s pace. Even in the deepest night it hums. It vibrates. It doesn’t sleep. And frankly neither do I.

"New York Cares" oil on linen 12" x 16"

And then there is the dialog you have with her. Times you look up, marvel and say thank you. Times where you have to be alone and think awhile. In your place. In your special spot. A place where you can have a chat. A place where you know you are accepted.

This isn’t all the way finished, it’s almost there.

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